Looking for an Ai chatbot creator with absolutely no limits. I was using FlowGPT/Emochi, but they’ve updated their content restrictions, and I keep running into sensitive content in prompt issues. Thanks for any suggestions; just looking for text image generation isn’t too important.
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https://theaipeeps.com does not have many restrictions, plus it’s really compelling and realistic; you gotta try it!
Try Perchance. Click the brain box . Type in your short description. The AI will make a long description. Click chat underneath whichever style or picture you want to make. Generate your personality and go on your adventure. It’s free and unfiltered. Also, there’s different parts of the website, like god mode (no images though), bedtime stories, and so much more. https://perchance.org/pretty-ai
If you have any questions, please ask in the Perchance Reddit. There’s so much more to the website
I recommend RPGGO, which allows you to create an AI game with a plot or an AI character without any content restrictions.