Do social media ads actually work or are most clicks just from bots

I rarely click on ads. I usually bookmark them. I remember the name and visit the site directly.

Never worked for me.
I always have a great click-through rate, but when users hit my landing page, they leave in an instant.

Zeke said:
Never worked for me.
I always have a great click-through rate, but when users hit my landing page, they leave in an instant.

I could help you optimize your landing page if you’re interested.

Message me, I want to know more about landing page optimization.

Zeke said:
Never worked for me.
I always have a great click-through rate, but when users hit my landing page, they leave in an instant.

Could that be bot activity? I see similar results and thought that was the case.

I’m curious if social media ads have worked for anyone in the B2B space. I’ve tried it a few times at different agencies, and the results were very mixed.

What are you promoting?

Your ad might be bringing in low-quality traffic.

Check your targeting, focus on conversions rather than clicks, and keep an eye out for bot activity.

Also, compare your settings with your previous successful campaigns and try different placements.

Take a look at your landing page again. It might not be convincing enough for users!

Both could be true, ads really work well in gaming from a performance standpoint. Any marketing that doesn’t focus on conversions tends to bring in poor results.

I just ran two campaigns and got great results.

But there are many factors to consider. If you promoted 2024 calendars last year and again now, it might not go well. Or if you’re trying to sell anything but Nazi bibles on Twitter, your luck might run out.

My issue is when I run ads, I actually sell less. It feels like the e-commerce platform knows my traffic is coming from ads and punishes my items.

… Yeah, you can check it with analytics all you want.

I’ve managed social media and search ad campaigns for companies for almost ten years. If they didn’t work, I wouldn’t have a job.

Now, I mostly focus on analytics.

The number of bot clicks you get depends on a few things:

  • The location of your ad (English-speaking countries usually get more bot clicks because of higher CPC).

  • Your industry (some sectors, like legal and medical, see a lot of bot clicks, while more obscure industries see little to no click fraud).

  • The way you set up your campaign (having display or search partners turned on will greatly increase your bot clicks).

  • Your campaign’s history concerning bot clicks and fake conversions (ad networks use your conversion data to train their traffic algorithms, so if you have fake conversions, they may send you more bots).

  • The ad network (some have high levels of click fraud while others have lower levels, for example, X has over 80% bot clicks, but Instagram has around 1%).

The only way to find out if you have bots is to run detection software on your landing page.

They do work, but don’t let Facebook control your settings. Avoid anything labeled advantage plus and control it yourself. I had a campaign that was performing well, but when I tried an experiment, the conversions became cheaper but of very low quality.

I worked with a company that controlled one-sixth of all digital media and took charge of pausing ad campaigns on an ad exchange.

Yes, some exchanges create ghost clicks, usually a mix of websites. In our case, we had a considerable user base across various apps, websites, and streaming services, so those users were real; others coming through Google might not be.

I’m actually considering this too. I believe ads are great for raising awareness, but not as effective for generating sales and conversions.

Some of them do get clicked by accident.

I’ve never run paid ads on social media for my businesses, but all of my friends do, and they invest heavily, around 50k weekly. For them, these ads work wonders. They’re in the info products and education sector and usually see a return of 3x or more.

Social media ads can be effective, but it’s common to receive many bot clicks or irrelevant traffic if your targeting isn’t right. Make sure to check your targeting, focus on conversions instead of clicks, and consider using a landing page instead of in-platform forms. Bots can be a problem, but adjusting the audience and messaging could lead to better signups.